September 21, 2024

For companies of all sizes, social media is an essential medium for marketing. The question, “why should our business use social media?” has been obsolete in recent years, and has been replaced by, “how can our business expand with social media marketing?”

This excites me much as a social media marketer. The sheer number of companies still attempting to sell on social media without a well defined strategy isn’t something that excites me. You’ll discover in this post the seven actions your company needs to take to develop a successful social media marketing plan.

1. Audit your current Social Presence

“Know thyself. Know the customer. Innovate.” – Beth Comstock

Take a moment to assess your current situation before formulating a plan for where you want to go. When reviewing the social media presence of your company, a few things to keep in mind are:

Which networks are you using right now? Are they optimised? (photo and cover images, bio, URL, etc.)

Which networks now provide you with the greatest value?

How do your profiles stack up against those of your competitors?

We provide a comprehensive online presence assessment that looks closely at your social media, content, SEO, and website architecture and presents key goals and a suggested course of action.

2. Document who your ideal customer is

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” – Peter Drucker

You should be as specific as you can in this section. For instance, it would be acceptable if you stated that parents were your target market. However, you will have far more success if you define your target customer as a parent who resides in the United States, is between 30 and 50 years old, earns over $70,000, uses Facebook primarily, and has an interest in outdoor activities.

If they are targeting the incorrect group of people, even the finest marketers will struggle. To create a highly targeted buyer persona, respond to the following questions:

Age, Place, Job Title, Salary, Pain Points (that your business can solve), used-most social network.

3. Make A Mission Statement For Social Media

“What makes you weird, makes you unique and therefore makes you stand out.” – Dan Schawbel

Make sure to give your social media mission statement some thought because it will guide your future actions. Your brand identity should be reflected in this statement, which will make it apparent how you intend to use social media. When attempting to write this phrase, keep in mind your ideal client.

“To use social media to educate existing and potential clients about digital marketing, with a concentration on social media marketing,” can be an example mission statement. Once you’ve written down this assertion, choosing what to share and create will be much easier for you.

Don’t bother with it if it doesn’t fit with your goal statement. Businesses without a clear mission will fail if they post at random. People follow experts, not generalists.

4. Identify Key success metrics

“ If you cannot measure it you cannot improve it” – Lord Kelvin

How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your social media marketing efforts? Not only am I talking about growing my fan base, but also about earning money. Since investing time and money on something that doesn’t increase the bottom line is difficult to justify. Several metrics to think about monitoring are:

Conversion Rate, Website Visitation Duration, Brand Mentions Sentiment, Overall Shares.

5. Create and Curate Engaging content

There are countless possibilities for material, but you should limit your attention to formats that complement your skill set and goal statement. Since content is what drives social media, it is essential that you prioritise producing high-quality, interesting material. I strongly advise you to make a content calendar that specifies how frequently, on which themes, and when you will post to each network.

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